Welcome to Amsterdam Art 21 Welcome to Amsterdam Art 21 Welcome to Amsterdam Art 21

This route will take you to some fascinating places, where you get to see, feel and hear all kinds of art within different disciplines, ranging from photography to video, audio and net art – art that stimulates all the senses. The works or exhibitions that really move me and stay with me for a long time tend to ‘interact’ with the audience, the building and its history. I like site-specific works or projects exhibited in places that used to serve a different purpose, or in completely new places flooded with sunlight or even cloaked in darkness, adding to the experience. Two installations I would like to highlight: a two-screen video by artist duo PolakVanBekkum at Galerie dudokdegroot and an audio installation by Evan Ifekoya at Het HEM. The first is quite meditative, the second a hypnotic visual delight.

Sophie Schade is a strategist in the creative industry and a passionate collector of contemporary art.

  • 47 Het HEM

  • Warmperserij 1
  • 10 Galerie dudokdegroot 

  • Tweede Laurierdwarsstraat 1–3
  • 31 Upstream Gallery

  • Kloveniersburgwal 95
  • 39 Eye Filmmuseum

  • IJpromenade 1
  • 41 Nxt Museum

  • Asterweg 22
  • 42 Oude Kerk

  • Oudekerksplein 23