Welcome to Amsterdam Art 21 Welcome to Amsterdam Art 21 Welcome to Amsterdam Art 21

Amsterdam makes the perfect playground for surprises, I love to wander around, especially in these strange times, and the city tells me new stories everyday. For this route I have selected locations to trigger your fantasy, give you new perspectives and hopefully make you connect with Amsterdam in unexpected ways. I highly encourage you to visit CBK Zuidoost and hear about the making of Mohau Modisakeng’s important new monument to Nelson Mandela. The Oude Kerk, Amsterdam’s oldest surviving building, is showing Here is where we meet by Aimée Zito Lema, about two conflict situations that centered on the church itself. For Refresh, the Amsterdam Museum asked 25 contemporary artists to reflect on the city in the here and the now. And andriesse~eyck has Natasja Kensmil’s paintings, in which she refers to the interaction of present and history.

Emma Waslander works as a creative producer and consultant. She organised the Museumnacht Amsterdam from 2017 to 2020.

  • 03 andriesse~eyck galerie

  • Leliegracht 47
  • 44 CBK Zuidoost

  • Anton de Komplein 120
  • 42 Oude Kerk

  • Oudekerksplein 23
  • 38 Amsterdam Museum

  • Kalverstraat 92