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About Galerie dudokdegroot

Galerie dudokdegroot represents a solid group of artists and works closely with guest artists. Our focus is to show artists who extent the possibilities of their medium and material such as painting, photography, drawing and video.
The program of dudokdegroot exists of 8 exhibitions, mainly solo’s, a year. Besides showing work in the gallery we participate at art fairs.

Exhibition ‘Bilderbaumbuch’, 3 Sept-9 Oct

Bilderbaumbuch is an homage to the untold versatility of the tree. The tree that has to give way and is reduced to a stump when its time of use is up. Lex ter Braak follows the movements of the tree in his drawings, photos and paintings. He refers to poets who wrote that leaves remember the sky, that a crown overflows with sounds and that the tree contains a larger life of upper and lower worlds. To him, the tree is a source of language, of signs that can be read and heard, of cultural-historical references. It is an example of symbiotic and solitary life at the same time – and despite its power of precariousness.

Bilderbaumbuch is a long-term project that, in addition to the solo at dudokdegroot, will continue in the Orangery of the Amstelpark (in cooperation with Zone2Source) and an artist’s book to be published in early 2022.


Lex ter Braak